Nabisunsa Students Visit Mak School of Law

On the 13th June 2024, students from Nabisunsa Girls School visited the School of Law (SoL), Makerere University for a familiarisation tour and career guidance session.

In his communication prior to the visit, the Careers Councillor of Nabisunsa, Ssendawula Ibrahim explained that the visit would broaden the students’ perspective about career choices as well as expose them to different skills needed to join a particular career.

Dr. Zahara Nampewo, Deputy Principal, SoL, with students of Nabisunsa Girls.

In her introduction, Ms. Chebet Rose who accompanied the students explained that the group comprised of Senior Six Arts students who were due to sit for their Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) exams later this year.

Dr. Zahara Nampewo, Deputy Principal – SoL welcomed the students to the School of Law. She explained to the students the history of the School established in 1968 making it’s the oldest and premier legal training institution in the country. She expressed appreciation that students are given opportunity to visit the school as they think about choices of the programmes of study to apply for; this gives opportunity to students to get insights on their future careers.

Dr. Nampewo encouraged students to work hard and highlighted that students are required to sit for a law pre-entry exam before admission to the Bachelor of Laws programme. She added, ‘Makerere admits less students for the bachelors programme because the University strategy is to become a research-led institution and therefore is working towards admitting more graduate students. Fortunately, 13 universities in Uganda offer the Bachelor of Laws programme, therefore students have opportunity to study law at other universities’.

Nabisunsa Girls at Mak SoL

She also advised that, ‘students intending to study law should have the following attributes: quick thinkers, practical, good writers, analytical, inquisitive, open minded as well as willing to read and research’.

The session was interactive and students raised issues like employability, possible careers after studying law, how best to prepare for pre-entry exams.