SoL Staff Seminar
Following the highly successful and well-attended first seminar on May 5th, the School of Law convened the 2nd school of law staff seminar. It focused on the pursuit of doctoral studies and took the format of a “talk-show” with a panel to kick-start the discussion
The seminar was held in the School of Law Board room on Friday 10th June 2016 at 2pm on the TOPIC: Challenges and Opportunities of phd Studies
1. Prof. J.Oloka-Onyango – Mentoring and supporting colleagues undertaking phd studies
2. Dr. Rose Nakayi – Dealing with/,managing your supervisor and coping with loneliness
3. Dr. Busingye Kabumba – phd studies abroad, resources, unplugging from work and other commitments
4. Dr. Phiona Mpanga – phd studies abroad and challenges of family.
5. Dr. Winnie T.Kiryabwire – funding
MODERATOR: Prof. Sylvia Tamale
The seminar was also attended by a number of the Law PhD students