Advert: Admission to Bachelor of Education External (BED) 2024/25
The Academic Registrar, Makerere University invites applications for admission to a three-year BACHELOR OF EDUCATION EXTERNAL (BED) degree programme for the 2024/25Academic Year.
A non-refundable application fee of Shs.50,000/= plus the bank charges using a Payment Reference Number should be paid to any bank before submitting the system generated Application Form to the ADMISSION OFFICE (ROOM NO. 315), LEVEL 3, Academic Registrar’s Department in the Senate Building, Makerere University, from where additional information may be obtained.
How to Apply:
- Applicants should access the Institution’s Admissions URL
- Sign up using full name, e-mail and Mobile No. Please note that your name must be
similar to the one on your supporting academic documents for your application to be
considered valid. If you changed your names please go to Senate Building Office
301 with an affidavit supporting the name change. - A password will be sent to both your e-mail and mobile number.
- The system will prompt you to change the password to the one you can easily
remember. - To fill a form the applicant clicks on the APPLY NOW button displayed on the running
scheme. - Obtain a payment advice slip by clicking on “Pay for Form” button
- Make a payment at any of bank used by URA
- Print the filled form and attach certified copies of your academic documents.
The closing date for submission of applications was extended to Thursday 29th February 2024.