HURIPEC wins Project Grant with Partners
Dr. Sylvie Namwase, Lecturer – SoL and Dr. Zahara Nampewo, Senior Lecturer and Deputy Principal – SoL have been successful in winning a major grant, which will involve a collaboration with the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) and St. Augustine University, Tanzania. The project is titled: ‘Charcoal conflict in climate change’s decarbonization dilemmas: Knots of livelihood, nutrition, communities, gender, migration and energy in East Africa’.
The total grant amount for the entire 5-year project is about 10,399,621 Danish Kroner, estimated USD 1.5m. 3,082,584 Danish Kroner, estimated USD 450,000 is to be expended by activities and work on the Ugandan side of the project over the next 5 years.
The grant will support one LLD in Uganda, one PhD in Tanzania, 2 Postdocs from Denmark, 1 Postdoc in Uganda and one Postdoc from Tanzania.