Professor Kjaer Visits SoL
On the 14th March 2023, Professor Anne Mette Kjaer visited the School of Law (SoL), Makerere University. She held a meeting with Professor David Justin Bakibinga with whom she had collaborated on a research programme titled, ‘Political Settlement and Revenue Bargains in Africa’.

Professor Bakibinga (right) gifted Professor Anne Mette Kjaer a copy of his autobiography
Professor Kjaer is based at Aarhus University, Denmark in the Department of Political Science. She served as Principal Investigator on the research project implemented from 2015 to 2022 by Aarhus University in partnership with SoL, and Research for Poverty Alleviation (REPOA). The research project financed by DANIDA facilitated Oscar Kamusiime, a doctoral student at SoL to complete his Doctor of Laws (LLD) studies. Kamusiime is slated to defend his thesis later this year (2023).

L to R: Oscar Kamusiime and Professor David Justin Bakibinga exchanging gifts
The research programme explored the micro-foundations of revenue bargaining. It studied the returns that materialise from revenue bargains and how revenue providers, actual or potential, affect government policy. Through a series of studies of instances of revenue bargaining, the project sought to add to the theoretical and empirical knowledge about revenue bargaining processes in low-income countries with a particular focus on the returns: the decisions or non-decisions of powerholders.
For more about the research, click the link below: