Robert Kirunda LL. B (Mak) (Upper class), Dip. L.P. (LDC).LL. M (UWC) (Cum Laude)
Assistant Lecturer
Mr. Kirunda joined the School of Law in 2005. He previously taught at the Business
School and interned at the World Bank in Washington DC. He practices Corporate and Commercial Law in Uganda and has consulted on a number of projects involving various legal issues in different countries. He has published in the areas of Human Rights, Constitutional Law, Intellectual Property, Land Law, International Environmental Law, and International Trade Law. His present research interests include Oil and gas law, WTO Law and Human Rights and Good Governance. Robert is currently teaching Land Law, Land Transactions, and Bankruptcy Law to undergraduate students and WTO Law to LL. M students.
E-mail: robert.kirunda@law.mak.ac.ug/robert.kirunda@gmail.com