Law Council CLET on Inspection Visit of MakSoL
The Law Council Committee on Legal Education (CLET) and Training was at Makerere University School of Law (MakSoL) for an Inspection visit on the 5th June 2024. The CLET team included members: Jane Okot P’Bitek Langoya, Muzamir Mukwatampola and secretariat: Peace Biira Mutooro, Isaac Singura.
The CLET met the MakSoL leadership including Ag. Principal: Dr. Ronald Naluwairo, Ag. Deputy Principal: Dr. Zahara Nampewo, Ag. Head-Human Rights & Peace Centre: Dr. Busingye Kabumba, Ag. Head Commercial Law: Dr. Anthony Kakooza, Ag. Head Law and Jurisprudence: Dr. Daniel Ruhweza.

Section 3(a) of the Advocates Act Cap 267 as amended gives the Law Council power to exercise general supervision and control over Professional Legal Education in Uganda through the medium of the CLET. On the basis of the aforementioned mandate CLET inspected MakSoL guided by the following objectives: To ascertain the names, qualification and status of the teaching staff; to establish the number and nationality of students; to inspect the status of the Law Library; and to inspect the status of the physical infrastructure available to teach Law.

An interactive session was held, issues raised included: Integration of Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence in teaching as well as challenges; affordability of internet costs and equipment like laptops for the students; library facilities and resources available for use by faculty and students; use of locally published material in teaching law; facilitation of faculty to publish more; strategic plan and available budgets to support implementation among others.