Graduate Admission
Admission to the LL.M Programme is based on a Graduate Admission Exam administered by the School. The following qualify to sit the exam.
- Holders of at least a second class honors Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) Degree from a recognized University; and
- All applicants must sit and pass the Master of Laws Pre-entry Exam
- Holders of pass degree who can provide evidence of academic growth.
- All applicants must provide official certified transcripts. The University has a credit evaluation scheme and a list of the recognized Institutions worldwide.
Each course is assessed in two parts on the basis of 100 total marks with a proportion of coursework (progressive Assessment) which contributes 40% of the Total marks and written final examination which contributes 60%. The pass-mark for each course is 60% and there is no provision for compensation.

Contact Information
Makerere University, School of Law
P.O. Box 7062 Kampala, Uganda
Phone : +256 414 530060
Email: principal.law@mak.ac.ug / pr.law@mak.ac.ug
Website: www.law.mak.ac.ug
Twitter: @MakerereLaw Facebook: @MakerereLaw
Mon – Fri : 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuition Fees:
The management of the Makerere University released the School Undergraduate Fee Structure to be paid by each graduate students.
Mak Postgraduate fees structure 2024
- Ugandan and East African LLM Students - Shs.5,000,000/=
- International Students LLM Students - Shs.8,000,000/=
- Ugandan and East African LLD Students - Shs.7,000,000/=
International Students LLD Students - Shs.9,000,000/=

Master of Laws (LL.M)
Each course is assessed in two parts on the basis of 100 total marks with a proportion of coursework (progressive Assessment) which contributes 40% of the Total marks and written final examination which contributes 60%. The pass-mark for each course is 60% and there is no provision for compensation
Doctor of Laws (LL.D)
Holders of a Masters of Laws from a recognized University are eligible to apply for the Doctor of Laws (LL.D) programme, which is a purely research programme based on submission of a thesis on an approved topic.
During the study period, students may audit courses from within their discipline or across disciplines to enhance knowledge and scholarship in their work.
Apart from cross-cutting courses, students are not subjected to any other examination, except examination of their Thesis/Dissertation plus a viva-voce (oral defence).