Frederick Mpanga LL.B (Upper class), (Mak); LL.M (Cantab) Dip. L.P. (LDC),
Assistant Lecturer
Mr. Mpanga joined the Law School in 2001 and is attached to the Department of Commercial Law. Formerly he worked as an Internal Legal Officer of DFCU Group. He has taught Commercial Law at Uganda Christian University, Mukono.
He has also been consulted on matters relating to intellectual property especially in the process of amending the Copyrights Act and the Trademarks Act, and leading to the enactment of the Copyright & Neighboring Rights Act and the Trademarks Act.
He has previously taught Banking and Negotiable Instruments and Consumer Protection Law. Currently he teaches Law of International Business Transactions and Law of Sales and Intellectual Property Law.
E-mail: fmpanga@law.mak.ac.ug