Dr. Maria Nassali
LL.B (Upper class) (Mak); LL.M (Warwick) LLD (Pretoria), Dip. L.P (LDC, Kampala)
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Maria Nassali joined the School of Law in 2011 and is attached the Department of Public and Comparative Law. She teaches Family Law to undergraduate students. Her research interests include governance, organizational development, human rights with a special focus on women and children’s rights and civil society.
She has successful merged academic rigor with activism, as demonstrated by her track record of resuscitating organizations for strategic programming and has served in the leadership of numerous civil Society organization. She is a member of the Council of Mutesa Royal University. She is an Advocate of the Courts of Judicature in Uganda.
Email: marie.nassali@mak.ac.ug