Dr. Daniel R. Ruhweza
Qualifications: LL.B. (Upper class) (Mak); LL.M. (Cantab); Dip. L.P. (LDC); Higher Dip. Peace and Security (Uppsala); PhD (Kent)
Daniel Ronald Ruhweza is a Senior Lecturer and the Ag. Head – Department of Law and Jurisprudence, School of Law, Makerere University. He is also Coordinator of the LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa) programme and the Patron of the Moot Society at the School. Dr. Ruhweza is a Commissioner for Oaths and Notary Public. His research interests are in the areas of international criminal law, transitional justice, international law, critical approaches to law and development, good governance, Constitutionalism, Corruption, Socio-economic rights and Death penalty studies.
He teaches international criminal law and transitional justice, the law of treaties, constitutional law and history, the law of evidence, criminology and penology. He has won a number of Scholarships and prizes like the Commonwealth Scholarship, SIDA Scholarship Shared Commonwealth Cambridge Trust and DFID Scholarship, as well as the Chief & Attorney General’s Prize for Academic Excellence at LDC.
Daniel is an Advocate of the High Court of Uganda and President Emeritus of the Uganda Christian Lawyers Fraternity. He has consulted for a number of organisations including, the Office of the Directorate of Public Prosecutions, the Judiciary of Uganda, Avocats sans Frontieres (ASF), the Parliamentary (ASF), the Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS) of Uganda, Deloitte Uganda Limited, FIDA Uganda, CivSource Uganda, Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI), Citizens’ Coalition for Electoral Democracy in Uganda (CCEDU), Uganda Joint Christian Council, Kitua cha Katiba, amongst others.
He has authored a number of journal articles and working papers including a student guide book entitled We Don’t Teach That At the University: Confessions of a University Don (2019) Daniel is also a Rotarian and a Member of the following learned/Professional Societies: The Oxford and Cambridge Society of Uganda, East African Law Society, Uganda Law Society, The Doctoral Network Uganda, Uganda Christian Lawyers Fraternity (UCLF), Makerere University Academic Staff Association, among others.