Dr. Dan Ngabirano LL.B. (Upper class), (Mak); LL.M (Harvard), SJD (Iowa); Dip. L.P. (LDC, Kampala)
Assistant Lecturer
Dan Ngabirano is an Assistant Lecturer and Ag. Head, Department of Environmental Law, also attached to Commercial Law Department at the School of Law. His areas of research and teaching include; revenue law and taxation, criminal law, anti-corruption law, public finance management, mining and petroleum governance, corporate accountability, non-profits law, pensions and retirement benefits sector, law and development, legal and policy analysis and reform.
Dan has in the past been a Fulbright Scholar and is an active member of the Uganda Law Society (ULS), East African Law Society (EALS), Access to Information Committee of the African Network of Constitutional Lawyers (ANCL) and The Access Imitative (TAI).
Dan is also an Advocate of the Courts of Judicature in Uganda. In this respect he actively practices in the areas of tax and general legal advisory, legal and regulatory compliance of mainly Non-Profit organisations and Stakeholder oriented Corporations.
He has also consulted for a number of organisations including; United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), UNAIDS, NORAD, World Resources Institute (WRI), Open Society Foundations (OSF), International Centre for Tax Development (ICTD), Carter Centre, Global Integrity, Institute of War and Peace Reporting (IWPR), Avocats sans Frontieres (ASF), Uganda Law Society (ULS), Advocates Coalition on Development & Environment (ACODE), Civil Society Coalition on Oil and Gas (CSCO), Greater Lakes Institute for Strategic Studies (GLISS), International Law Institute (ILI), Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC), International Governance Alliance (IGA), Eastern African Centre for Constitutional Development, Resource Rights Africa (RRA), Human Rights Network- Uganda,
E-mail: dan.ngabirano@mak.ac.ug