About us
Discover About Us With Our Students & Lecturers
The School of Law evolved from the Department of Law established in 1968 in the then Faculty of Social Sciences of Makerere University. It became a fully-fledged Faculty in 1973. In 2014, the School of Law was elevated to College status in accordance with the Universities and other Tertiary Institutions (Management of Constituent Colleges of Makerere University) Statue 2012. As a college, the School is run on three tier system i.e., the University, College and Departments.
Our Strategic Direction

Vission of Makerere University
Makerere University is a thought leader of knowledge generation for societal transformation and development

Our Vission
To become Africa’s pre-eminent Law School with a rich tradition of excellence in the teaching of law, legal training and research.

Our Mission
To impart quality legal knowledge and skills within an interdisciplinary framework inspired by legal scholarship, outreach and a commitment to justice for all, and produce graduates well equipped to deal with new and emerging legal problems who will serve their clients and the community with integrity and excellence

Our Departments
Academic Units
The School has five departments i.e., the Department of Law and Jurisprudence, the Department of Public and Comparative Law, Commercial Law Department, the Human Rights & Peace Centre (HURIPEC) and the Environment Law Centre (ELC). Additionally, the School has three innovative initiatives including: The Refugee Law Project (RLP), the Public Interest Law Clinic (PILAC) and the Gender and Sexuality Research Centre.

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Our Departments

Environmental Law Centre

Human Rights and Peace Centre

Law and Jurisprudence

Commercial Law

Public and Comparative Law
Our Impact to Society
Established in 1968, the School continues to make significant contribution to human resource development in the legal profession.
Many of the School’s alumni are in high offices in the Judiciary, in Parliament, in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, in Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), in Local Governments, and in corporate entities and NGOs at the national and international levels.
The School of Law’s products in legal practice constitute the best and the most sought-after advocates in Uganda. The School is also playing a pivotal role in producing legal academics for the many emerging law faculties in the Government and private Universities in Uganda.

Mak School of Law At 50
Historical Landmarks
The School has since 1968 positioned itself as a leader in legal education in the country, striving to remain relevant by serving the legal training needs of Uganda, the East African region and beyond. The growth of the School of Law is characterized by several milestones The following are worth noting.
General Contacts
General Contacts
Makerere University, School of Law P.O. Box 7062 Kampala, Uganda – Tel: +256 414 530060 – Email: dean.law@mak.ac.ug; pr.law@mak.ac.ug Website: www.law.mak.ac.ug – Twitter: @MakerereLaw
For Admissions
Makerere University, School of Law P.O. Box 7062 Kampala, Uganda – Tel: +256 772428852 – Email: namubirujosephine3@gmail.com – Website: www.law.mak.ac.ug – Twitter: @MakerereLaw
Administrative Law Short Course Coordinator
Makerere University, School of Law P.O. Box 7062 Kampala, Uganda – Tel: +256 782528252 – Email: sarah.adero@mak.ac.ug Website: www.law.mak.ac.ug – Twitter: @MakerereLaw