8th Annual Beyond Juba Distinguished Memorial Lecture

This Memorial Lecture is part of the 6th Institute for African Transitional Justice (IATJ) currently going on in Gulu (30th may – 3rd June 2016). The Refugee Law Project (RLP), School of Law, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, in collaboration with the African Transitional Justice Research Network (ATJRN) is hosting the IATJ under the theme “_TOO LITTLE TOO LATE, OR TOO MUCH TOO SOON? THE TIME AND TIMING OF TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE_”.

The Institute for African Transitional Justice (IATJ) is an annual week-long residential programme designed to convene practitioners, activists, academics and policy makers in a multi- and cross-disciplinary space in which to discuss some of the most pressing transitional justice issues of our time; with a deliberate focus on situating discussions in a range of African contexts, it seeks to expand the global transitional justice discourse to accommodate a range of culturally and historically informed conceptions of justice, and to catalyse the development of African Transitional Justice systems and mechanisms.

For more information, please contact us at info@refugeelawproject.org [1] or visit our website at  [2]www.refugeelawproject.org [2]. You can also follow us on Facebook [3], Twitter [4] and Youtube [5].

Moses A. Nsubuga
Ag. Programme Manager – Media for Social Change
Refugee Law Project
TOLL FREE 0800-100555

The Refugee Law Project, a community out-reach project of the School of Law, Makerere University, was created in 1999 to promote the enjoyment  of human rights for all refugees within Uganda. Over the years, the Refugee Law Project has established its reputation as the leading centre for justice and forced migrants in Uganda .

For more information about the work of Refugee Law Project visit www.refugeelawproject.org